Start here with our most sold items. Remember, you get 10 ENTRIES FOR EVERY DOLLAR

Embrace the Lifestyle – White T-Shirt

Premium Unisex White T-Shirt with the iconic colors of Miami, our beautiful logo and a powerful message.

Premium Unisex Black Hoodie

Premium Unisex Black Hoodie, a soft and comfortable hoodie with a beautiful design and a powerful message.

Sporty Unisex White Long Sleeves

Sporty Unisex White Long Sleeves, a sporty and comfortable long sleeves for everyday use.


You get entries by shopping on the Mia Life store.

Each dollar you spend, you get 10 entries, meaning your name gets put 10 times for every dollar. Our system randomly selects a winner when the giveaway ends and notify the user. We record the process of giving you the prize and upload it to the blog.