About our online store
“Miami is not just a city, It embraces every culture and its people. Miami, is a Lifestyle!”
There are many words that define Miami, but for us, it not just represent a city, it represents a culture, and its people, for us, is a lifestyle.
With our brand, we want to represent that culture, we want to embrace the lifestyle. Not only in our designs, but in our giveaways, our colors, our style and everything we do is going to embrace it.
We want to represent in a colorful way Miami’s culture and its lifestyle. Build a community that embraces those values and give back to that community with our giveaways
“Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.”
Everyone have a chance to win at our giveaways, with a fair and honest process, a transparent winner’s blog, where everything will be recorded and uploaded every time there is a new winner. Be part of our community and start Embracing the Lifestyle.